
How To Get Rid Of Ringneck Snakes

Northern Ring-necked Serpent

Diadophis punctatus edwardsii

Northern Ring-necked Snake

Background and Range: The small, secretive, and distinctly marked northern ring-necked snake is found in a broad variety of habitats in Connecticut, from near body of water level to the land'south highest elevations in the northwest corner. This serpent is soon widespread and secure in the state; however, it appears to exist very common in certain areas while rare in others.

On a larger scale, the northern ring-necked ophidian is found from Nova Scotia westward to northeastern Wisconsin and south through the Appalachian Mountains to northern Georgia and northeastern Alabama. Westward, the range extends as far as the western portions of Kentucky and Tennessee, eastern and southern Ohio, and the southern sections of Indiana and Illinois.

Description: As the name implies, this ophidian has a ring around the neck that is yellow or yellowish-orange. The body is a dull blue-gray body, with a bright yellow abdomen that may accept black spots. The black head is flattened, and the scales are smooth and polished. Band-necked snakes are pocket-size and sparse, measuring from nine to 15 inches in length. Juveniles closely resemble adults.

Habitat and Diet: Ring-necked snakes are establish in a variety of habitats, such as gardens, meadows, deciduous forests, rocky areas, old fields, grassy fields, gravel pits, sand barrens, and dumps. These habitats also tin range from pristine to disturbed, moisture to dry, and open to closed canopy. This snake is most frequently encountered nether the cover of rocks, logs, bawl, leaf litter, boards, and other droppings. Stone walls are often used for embrace, especially old walls in wooded areas that accept an aggregating of leaves and soil in their crevices. Band-necked snakes are occasionally plant in basements equally well.

Typical food items of the ring-necked snake include modest salamanders (like the redback), redbelly snakes, and earthworms.

Life History:Ring-necked snakes are active from May through mid-Oct. They are oviparous, meaning that they lay eggs. The ane-six eggs (average 3.5) are laid in June and early on July, often in a community nest. These nests are ofttimes located in rotted logs and sunny locations.

Interesting Facts: This basically nocturnal snake spends most of the solar day concealed under cover. When disturbed from its hiding place, it volition usually seek cover nether the nearest available object.

This small snake is preyed on past other larger snakes, like the black racer, and domestic cats. Roadkills are a frequent source of mortality.

Ring-necked snakes are often confused with young northern brownsnakes, which also have a neck ring. However, the two species can be distinguised by their scales -- ring-necked snakes have smooth scales while brownsnakes have keeled scales(a raised ridge forth the center, giving a crude appearance).

Snakes and People

Take the time to acquire about, understand, and respect this vitally of import reptile, and share your knowledge with others. If you come across a northern ring-necked snake, notice it from a distance, and let it to keep its way. All snakes will retreat from humans if given a chance.

Even though ring-necked snakes are mild-tempered, you should try not to disturb it by getting too close or treatment it. Its only defense is the release of musk from special glands when disturbed and to writhe violently to endeavor to escape if handled.

To discourage snakes from entering buildings, make sure all cracks in the foundation are sealed. Basement windows should be closed tight or be covered with screens. If you wish to discourage snakes from your yard, remove the places where they tin can hide. Continue grass cutting brusque, remove castor and rock piles, and proceed shrubs trimmed up off the ground. These methods will discourage snake prey species from the yard besides.

The killing of this snake is strongly discouraged. Additionally, wild snakes shouldNEVER be nerveless as pets. If you run across a ophidian problem, assistance and more than information about snakes can exist found by visiting the Snakes in Connecticut webpage or calling the DEEP Wildlife Division at 860-424-3011.

Amphibians and Reptiles of Connecticut and Next Regions, by Michael W. Klemens (1993), was used as reference for this fact sail.

Content last updated on Feb xiv, 2018.


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