
What Does Eec Stand For

Declaration of conformity with European standards

CE mark
Conformité Européenne (logo).svg
Constructive region European Economic Area and Turkey[1]
Effective since 1993
Product category Various
Legal status Mandatory
Website CE Marking homepage

CE marking example

CE marking example on a mobile phone charger.

On commercial products, the messages CE (as the logo CЄ) mean that the manufacturer or importer affirms the proficient's conformity with European health, safety, and environmental protection standards.[2] : 58 Information technology is not a quality indicator or a certification mark.[3] The CE marking is required for appurtenances sold in the European Economical Area (EEA), but is also found on products sold elsewhere that have been manufactured to EEA standards.

The CЄ mark indicates that the product may be traded freely in any part of the European Economic Area, regardless of its land of origin. It consists of the CE logo and, if applicative, the 4 digit identification number of the notified trunk involved in the conformity cess procedure. "CE" is the abbreviation of "conformité européenne" (French for "European conformity").[iv]

Significant [edit]

The CЄ marker on a product indicates that the manufacturer or importer of that product affirms its compliance with the relevant European union legislation and the product may be sold anywhere in the European Economic Area (EEA). It is a criminal offense to affix a CЄ mark to a product that is non compliant or offer it for sale.[5]

For example, most electric products must comply with the Depression Voltage Directive and the EMC Directive, amidst others; toys must comply with the Toy Safe Directive. (The Low Voltage Directive is about electrical safety; EMC or Electromagnetic Compatibility[half-dozen] ways the device volition work as intended without interfering with, or being afflicted by, the apply or function of any other device.) The CЄ marking indicates compliance with every bit many norms (directives and regulations) equally apply at the time of the declaration of compliance (see below). In the example of electrical products, several later norms such as the Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS) and Waste material Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE) are relevant in addition to the Low Voltage Directive and EMC Directive. The exact significance of the CЄ marking therefore depends on when it was practical to a specific unit.

Instance of CЄ mark followed by the registration number of a notified torso

The marker does not signal EEA manufacture or that the EU or another authority has canonical a product as safe or conformant.[7] The EU requirements may include safety, health, and environmental protection. If stipulated in any EU production legislation, assessment by a Notified Body or manufacture according to a certified production quality arrangement may be required. Where relevant, the CЄ marker is followed by the registration number of the notified body involved in conformity cess.

Not all products demand CE marking to be traded in the EEA; only product categories subject area to relevant directives or regulations are required (and allowed) to comport CE marking. Nigh CE-marked products tin exist placed on the market subject only to an internal production command by the manufacturer (Module A; meet Self-certification, below), with no independent check of the conformity of the production with EU legislation; ANEC has cautioned that, amongst other things, CE marking cannot exist considered a "safe mark" for consumers.[8]

Countries requiring the CE marking [edit]

CE marking is mandatory for sure product groups intended for sale within the European Marriage, the European Free Merchandise Association (EFTA), and Turkey. The manufacturers of products made within these countries, and the importers of goods made in other countries, affirm that CE-marked goods suit to Eu standards. Post-obit Brexit, the UK government introduced UKCA marking as its equivalent conformance indicator and this is required for relevant appurtenances to be sold in Great Britain – although goods with the CЄ mark (only) can still be used until 31 December 2022.[9] Equally Northern Ireland has remained aligned to the European Single Market nether the Northern Ireland Protocol, CE marking remains mandatory for products placed on the market place at that place; although the UKCA marker may be used in addition it is not required.[nine] Goods for sale anywhere in the United Kingdom may (and typically will) comport both marks.

Every bit of 2019[update], CE marker was not required by countries of the Fundamental European Free Merchandise Agreement (CEFTA), but members Albania, N Republic of macedonia, Serbia, and Montenegro accept applied for membership of the Eu, and are adopting many of its standards within their legislation (every bit had most Central European former member countries of CEFTA that joined the European union, earlier joining).

Rules underlying CE marking [edit]

The formal legal condition of the CЄ mark is set out in various European union Directives and Regulations.[10] The underlying principles are explained in the Committee's "Bluish Guide".[2]

Responsibleness for CE marking lies with whoever puts the product on the market in the EU, i.e. an Eu-based manufacturer, the importer or distributor of a product made outside the Eu, or an EU-based office of a non-European union manufacturer.

The manufacturer of a production affixes the CE marking to it just has to have certain obligatory steps before the product can bear CE marking. The manufacturer must conduct out a conformity cess, set upwards a technical file, and sign a Declaration stipulated by the leading legislation for the production. The documentation has to be fabricated available to government on request.

Importers of products have to verify that the manufacturer outside the European union has undertaken the necessary steps and that the documentation is available upon request. Importers should also make sure that contact with the manufacturer can always be established.

Distributors must exist able to demonstrate to national authorities that they take acted with due care and they must have affirmation from the manufacturer or importer that the necessary measures accept been taken.

If importers or distributors marketplace the products under their ain name, they take over the manufacturer's responsibilities. In this instance they must have sufficient information on the design and production of the product, equally they volition exist assuming the legal responsibility when they braze the CE marking.

There are certain rules underlying the procedure to affix the marker:

  • Products subject to certain EU directives or Eu regulations providing for CE marker take to be affixed with the CE marking before they can be placed on the market.
  • Manufacturers take to check, on their sole responsibility, which Eu legislation they need to utilize for their products.
  • The product may exist placed on the market only if it complies with the provisions of all applicable directives and regulations and if the conformity assessment procedure has been carried out accordingly.
  • The manufacturer draws up an EU announcement of conformity or a proclamation of operation (for Structure Products) and affixes the CE marking on the product.
  • If stipulated in the directive(southward) or regulation(s), an authorized 3rd political party (Notified Trunk) must be involved in the conformity assessment process or in setting up a production quality system.
  • If the CE marking is affixed on a product, it tin can bear additional markings but if they are of different significance, exercise non overlap with the CE marker and are not confusing and practise not impair the legibility and visibility of the CE marking.

Since achieving compliance can be very circuitous, CE-marker conformity cess, provided by a notified torso, is of great importance throughout the unabridged CE-mark process, from pattern verification, and ready of the technical file to the EU declaration of conformity.

A guide to the implementation of directives and regulations based on the New Approach and the Global Arroyo (the "Blue Guide") was first published by the European Union in 2000. Updated versions were published on 28 Feb 2014 and 26 July 2016.[2]

Self-certification [edit]

Depending on the level of risk of the product, the CE marker is affixed to a product past the manufacturer or authorized representative who needs to ensure that the product meets all the CE marking requirements. In some cases, if a product has minimal risk, it can be self-certified past a manufacturer making a declaration of conformity and affixing the CE marking to their own product. Cocky-certification exists simply for products that have a minimal run a risk for their use, and this is clearly foreseen in the relevant directive and regulation according to the product "category". In society to certify, the manufacturer must do several things:

1. Investigate whether the product needs to accept a CE marking. The product must conform to all Directives and Regulations that apply to the product.
2. Cull the conformity assessment procedure from the modules chosen out by the directive or the regulation for the product according to each category (level of chance) involved. There are several modules available for the Conformity Assessment Procedures, but but a few of them involve self-certification. The virtually of these procedure crave a "type Approval" and a Product conformity assessment by a Notified Trunk. The common procedures (modules) of certification are as listed beneath. A product normally needs more than than one process (Module) to exist implemented:
  • Module A – Internal production command.
  • Module B – EC type-examination.
  • Module C – Conformity to type.
  • Module D – Production quality balls.
  • Module East – Product quality assurance.
  • Module F – Production verification.
  • Module G – Unit verification.
  • Module H – Full quality assurance.
  • Module H1 – Full quality balls and Design Test.

The level of risk is defined by the "category" of each equipment. The college the category, the higher the gamble. Afterward defining the category, the manufacturer, in order to obtain certification, shall and so apply the relevant procedures for the specific category of the production or choose the relevant procedures for a higher-category product. The manufacturer, subsequently insuring that the relevant modules for the product category accept been applied, volition braze the CЄ mark and draw upwardly a Annunciation of Conformity. The Declaration of Conformity contains a description of the production, the directive(due south) and regulation(s) practical, the product category for each directive or regulation, the module chosen, and the name and registration number of the notified torso involved in certification procedures (models).

Notified bodies involved in certification procedures are organizations that have been nominated past a member state (according to an accreditation procedure) and take been notified by the European Commission. These notified bodies human activity equally Contained Inspection organizations and carry out the procedures as listed in the relevant Modules practical as stated by the relevant directives and regulations. A manufacturer tin can choose whatsoever notified body (notified for the certain directive or regulation and relevant Modules) in whatsoever Fellow member State of the European Matrimony.

In reality, the self-certification process consists of the following stages:

Stage 1: Identify the applicable norm(south)

The commencement step is to place whether the product needs to bear CE marker or not. Non all products are required to behave CE marker, merely the products that fall inside the telescopic of at least one of the sectoral norms (directives and regulations) requiring CE mark. There are more than 20 sectoral production norms requiring CE marking covering, merely not express to, products such every bit electric equipment, machines, medical devices, toys, pressure equipment, PPE, wireless devices and construction products.

Identifying which norm(s) may be applicable, every bit in that location may be more i, involves a unproblematic do of reading the scope of each norm to constitute which apply to the product (Such as the "Low Voltage Directive," 2014/35/Eu). If the production does not fall within the scope of any of the sectoral norm, then the production does not demand to bear CE marking (and, indeed, must not comport CE marker).

Stage 2: Identify the applicable requirements of the norm(s)

Each norm has slightly different methods of demonstrating conformity depending on the classification of the product and its intended utilize. Every Directive or Regulation has a number of 'essential requirements' that the product has to meet before being placed on the market.

The best fashion to demonstrate that these essential requirements have been met is by meeting the requirements of an applicable 'harmonised standard,' which offering a presumption of conformity to the essential requirements, although the utilize of standards commonly remains voluntary. Harmonised standards tin can exist identified by searching the 'Official Journal' on the European Committee's website, or past visiting the New Arroyo website established by the European Commission and EFTA with the European Standardisation Organisations.

Phase 3: Identify an appropriate route to conformity

The process is not always a cocky-annunciation procedure, there are diverse 'attestation routes' to conformity depending on the Directive or Regulation and classification of the product. Many products (such as invasive medical devices, or burn down alert and extinguisher systems, Pressure Equipment, Lifts etc.) in nigh cases, have a mandatory requirement for the involvement of an authorised third party due east.1000. a "notified body".

There are various attestation routes which include:

  • An assessment of the product by the manufacturer.
  • An assessment of the production past the manufacturer, with additional requirement for mandatory factory production control audits to be carried out by a third party.
  • An assessment by a third party (e.g. EC blazon examination), with the requirement for mandatory factory production control audits to exist carried out by a third party.

Phase 4: Assessment of the product's conformity

When all of the requirements accept been established, the conformity of the production to the essential requirements of the norm(s) needs to be assessed. This usually involves assessment and/or testing, and may include an evaluation of the conformity of the product to the harmonised standard(southward) identified in step 2.

Stage 5: Compile the technical documentation

Technical documentation, usually referred to every bit the technical file, relating to the production or range of products needs to be compiled. This information should encompass every aspect relating to conformity and is likely to include details of the design, development and manufacture of the product.

Technical documentation will usually include:

  • Technical description
  • Drawings, circuit diagrams and photos
  • Bill of materials
  • Specification and, where applicable, European union declaration of conformity for the critical components and materials used
  • Details of whatever design calculations
  • Examination reports and/or assessments
  • Instructions
  • Eu declaration of conformity
  • Technical documentation can be fabricated bachelor in any format (i.e. paper or electronic) and must be held for a period of upwardly to 10 years subsequently the manufacture of the last unit of measurement, and in nearly cases reside in the European Economic Area (EEA).

Stage six: Make a declaration and affix the CE marker

When the manufacturer, importer or authorised representative is satisfied that their production conforms to the applicable norms, an Eu proclamation of conformity must be completed or, for partly completed machinery under the Machinery Directive, an ECU declaration of incorporation.[11]

EU annunciation of conformity [edit]

The European union declaration of conformity must include: manufacturer'due south details (proper noun and address, etc.); essential characteristics the product complies; any European standards and performance data; if relevant the identification number of the notified body; and a legally binding signature on behalf of the organization.[12]

Product groups [edit]

CЄ mark in a personal protective equipment (protective glove)

CЄ marking in a radio equipment (WiFi card)

CЄ mark in an electrical and electronic equipment (electronic cigarette)

The norms (directives and regulations) requiring CE marking affect the following product groups:[13] [14]

  • Active implantable medical devices (excludes surgical instruments)
  • Appliances called-for gaseous fuels
  • Cableway installations designed to bear persons
  • Construction products according to Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011 nether specific rules
  • Eco-design of energy related products
  • Electromagnetic compatibility
  • Equipment and protective systems intended for employ in potentially explosive atmospheres
  • Explosives for civil uses
  • Fertilizers Regulation (EU) No. 1009/2019
  • Hot-water boilers
  • In vitro diagnostic medical devices
  • Lifts
  • Low voltage
  • Machinery
  • Measuring instruments
  • Medical devices
  • Dissonance emission in the environment
  • Non-automated weighing instruments
  • Personal protective equipment
  • Force per unit area equipment
  • Pyrotechnics
  • Radio Equipment
  • Recreational arts and crafts
  • Brake of the apply of certain hazardous substances in electric and electronic equipment (RoHS)
  • Safety of toys
  • Simple pressure level vessels

Mutual recognition of conformity assessment [edit]

At that place are numerous 'Agreements on Common Recognition of Conformity Assessment' between the European Union and other countries such equally the U.s., Japan, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and State of israel.[ citation needed ] Consequently, CE marking is now found on many products from these countries. Nihon has its own marking known every bit the Conformity Mark.[15]

Switzerland and Turkey (which are not members of the EEA) also require products to bear CE marking as an affirmation of conformity.[sixteen] [17]

Characteristics of CE mark [edit]

Proportion requirements on the CE marking

  • The CE marker has to be affixed by the manufacturer or its authorized representative in the European Spousal relationship according to its legal format visibly, legibly and indelibly to the product
  • When a manufacturer puts the CE marking on a product it implies that information technology complies with all the Essential Health and safety requirements from all the directives and regulations that applies to its production.
    • For case, for a car, mostly the Mechanism directive applies, but often besides:
      • Low voltage directive
      • EMC directive
      • sometimes other directives or regulations, due east.1000. ATEX directive
      • and sometimes other legal requirements, east.m. for nutrient contact materials.

When the manufacturer of a machine puts the CE marking, it engages itself and guarantees, that it makes all the tests, assessments and evaluation on the product to arrange to all the requirements of all the norms that apply to its product.

  • CE marking has been introduced by the COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 93/68/EEC of 22 July 1993 amending Directives 87/404/EEC (simple pressure vessels), 88/378/EEC (safe of toys), 89/106/EEC (construction products), 89/336/EEC (electromagnetic compatibility), 89/392/EEC (machinery), 89/686/EEC (personal protective equipment), 90/384/EEC (non-automatic weighing instruments), 90/385/EEC (agile implantable medicinal devices), 90/396/EEC (appliances burning gaseous fuels), 91/263/EEC (telecommunications terminal equipment), 92/42/EEC (new hot-water boilers fired with liquid or gaseous fuels), 93/42/EEC (medical devices) and 73/23/EEC (electrical equipment designed for apply within certain voltage limits).
  • The size of the CE marking must be at least five mm, if enlarged its proportions have to be kept.
  • If the appearance and workmanship of a production do not allow for the CE marking to exist affixed on the production itself, the marking has to exist affixed to its packaging or accompanying documents.
  • If a norm requires the involvement of a Notified Body in the conformity assessment procedure, depending on the legislation, an identification number may need to be put behind the CE logo. This is done under the responsibility of the Notified Torso.[10]

Misuse [edit]

The European Commission is aware that CE markings, like other certifications marks, are misused.[18] CE marking is sometimes affixed to products that do not fulfill the legal requirements and conditions, or it is affixed to products for which it is not required. In one example it was reported that "Chinese manufacturers were submitting well-engineered electrical products to obtain conformity testing reports, only then removing non-essential components in product to reduce costs".[19] A test of 27 electrical chargers with U.k. sockets in 2008 found that all the eight legitimately branded ones with a reputable name met safety standards, but none of those unbranded or with minor names did, despite bearing the CЄ mark;[19] non-compliant devices were actually potentially unreliable and dangerous, presenting electrical and fire hazards.

There are also cases in which the product complies with the applicable requirements, simply the form, dimensions, or proportions of the mark itself are not as specified in the legislation.[eighteen]

"Prc Export" [edit]

In 2008, a logo very similar to CE marker was alleged to exist and to correspond China Export because some Chinese manufacturers apply it to their products.[20] However, the European Commission says that this is a misconception.[18] The matter was raised at the European Parliament in 2008.[21] The Committee responded that it was unaware of the existence of whatever "Chinese Export" mark and that, in its view, the misunderstanding had arisen because a producer had failed to respect the precise dimensions and proportions of the marker as prescribed in the legislation.[18] The Commission was as well aware of fraudulent misuse of the mark on products that did not comply with the standards, only that this is a separate issue.[18] It had initiated the procedure to register CE marking every bit a Customs commonage trademark, and was in discussion with Chinese authorities to ensure compliance with European legislation.[xviii] Chinese (and other non-European union) manufacturers are permitted to utilize the CЄ mark provided that the goods accept been manufactured in accord with the relevant EU directives and regulations.[eighteen]

Notwithstanding, and despite the Commission'due south balls that it is without foundation, this urban myth continues to be available on many websites.[22]

Domestic plugs and sockets [edit]

Directive 2006/95/EC, the "Low Voltage" Directive, specifically excludes (amidst other things) plugs and socket outlets for domestic use which are not covered by whatever Union norm and therefore must non be CE marked.[23] Throughout the EU, equally in other jurisdictions, the control of plugs and socket outlets for domestic utilise is discipline to national regulations. Despite this, the illegal apply of CE mark can exist found on domestic plugs and sockets, especially so-called "universal sockets".[24]

It is fairly mutual to meet domestic sockets (and adaptors) that take an inbuilt 5 volt power supply. In the case of these sockets they must exist CE marked, but the CЄ mark applies to the five volt converter only and non the remainder of the socket or adaptor. This is comparable to dedicated v volt power supplies.

Legal implications [edit]

There are mechanisms in identify to ensure that the CE marker is put on products correctly. Controlling products begetting CE marker is the responsibility of public authorities in member states, in cooperation with the European Commission. Citizens may contact national market place surveillance authorities if the misuse of the CE marking is suspected or if a product's prophylactic is questioned.

In the Great britain, sale of any product that carries a CЄ mark that is not so approved, or outside the scope of approval is a specific offence under Section 1 of the Trade Descriptions Deed 1968.[25] The seller of such an article is as equally guilty as the manufacturer or importer. Ignorance equally to the true status of the sold item is no defense confronting a prosecution (strict liability). Nether the Act, the misrepresentation is that the sold item conforms to a specification that it does not or that there is no such specification to which information technology tin accommodate.

The procedures, measures and sanctions applying to counterfeiting of the CE marking vary according to the respective member state'south national authoritative and penal legislation. Depending on the seriousness of the crime, economic operators may be liable to a fine and, in some circumstances, imprisonment. However, if the production is non regarded equally an imminent safety risk, the manufacturer may be given an opportunity to ensure that the product is in conformity with the applicable legislation before being forced to take the product off the market.

Use in computer systems [edit]

As of October 2019[update], the mark does not have a Unicode code signal, nor is 1 in prospect.[26] According to the Unicode principles, the marker is a font selection for the two ordinary upper-case messages, C and E, with a specific kerning organisation. The exact geometry that constitutes the mark is provided in the vector graphics data of the .ai and .eps files bachelor from the European Commission.[27]

See likewise [edit]

On motor vehicles and related parts, the Un Economic Committee for Europe's (UNECE) type approval can overrule some EU legislation, and so the "emark" or "Due eastmark", is often seen instead of the CE logo.[28] Unlike the CE logo, the UNECE marks are non self-certified.[29] This mark is not to be dislocated with the European union'south estimated sign, .

  • Country of origin – Country of manufacture, production, or growth
  • Eurasian Conformity marking – Marker to certify conformity (EAC) – The Eurasian Economic Union's version of the CЄ mark
  • European Organization for Technical Approvals – Drafts EU Technical Assessment documents
  • FCC mark – Voluntary declaration of conformity (US)
  • Food and Drug Administration – Bureau of the US Section of Health and Human Services (US FDA)
  • Geprüfte Sicherheit – German mark certifying independent test. (GS)
  • Kitemark – UK product and service quality merchandise marking
  • Turkish Standards Establishment (TSE)
  • UKCA marker – Conformity mark - UK conformity mark

References [edit]

  1. ^ "Turkey - Standards for Trade".
  2. ^ a b c Committee Notice — The 'Blueish Guide' on the implementation of EU products rules 2016 (2016/C 272/01)
  3. ^ VDE Clan for Electric, Electronic & Information Technologies. "CE Telephone". Retrieved 12 September 2020.
  4. ^ "CENELEC FAQs". Retrieved 8 September 2015.
  5. ^ "How is the CE mark enforced?". CE Mark Clan (UK). xv December 2017. Retrieved 23 September 2020.
  6. ^ "What Does That CE Mark Mean on Your Electronic Products?". Retrieved vii September 2015.
  7. ^ "CE marker". 5 July 2016.
  8. ^ "Position Paper" (PDF). Retrieved 19 June 2018. CE Marker is a legislative requirement. It is not a mark of prophylactic, nor a marking of quality, and has never been intended equally a mark for consumers.
  9. ^ a b "Guidance: Using the UKCA marking". Government of the Britain. one June 2021.
  10. ^ a b "Council Directive 93/68/EEC of 22 July 1993 alteration Directives 87/404/EEC (uncomplicated force per unit area vessels), 88/378/EEC (safety of toys), 89/106/EEC (construction products), 89/336/EEC (electromagnetic compatibility), 89/392/EEC (machinery), 89/686/EEC (personal protective equipment), ninety/384/EEC (non-automated weighing instruments), 90/385/EEC (active implantable medicinal devices), 90/396/EEC (appliances called-for gaseous fuels), 91/263/EEC (telecommunications final equipment), 92/42/EEC (new hot-water boilers fired with liquid or gaseous fuels) and 73/23/EEC (electric equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits)". Eu Publications Office. Retrieved 16 Feb 2021.
  11. ^ "Declaration of Conformity Guidance & Template". Your Europe. 14 October 2021. Archived from the original on xxx September 2019. Retrieved 9 December 2021.
  12. ^ "Technical documentation and European union declaration of conformity". Your Europe . Retrieved 9 December 2021.
  13. ^ European Commission - Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs - Manufacturers
  14. ^ EUR-Lex - Regulation (European union) 2019/1009 of the European Parliament and of the Quango of 5 June 2019 laying down rules on the making available on the market of European union fertilising products and amending Regulations (EC) No 1069/2009 and (EC) No 1107/2009 and repealing Regulation (EC) No 2003/2003 (Text with EEA relevance)
  15. ^ "MIC The Radio Employ Website | FAQ on Technical Conformity Marker". 23 December 2013. Retrieved 7 September 2015.
  16. ^ "EUROPA - European Commission - Growth - Regulatory policy - NANDO". European Commission. Retrieved 7 September 2015.
  17. ^ "Hizmetler". Testroof. Retrieved 7 September 2015.
  18. ^ a b c d due east f thou "Reply given by Mr Verheugen on behalf of the Committee". European Parliament. 9 Jan 2008. Retrieved 5 July 2020.
  19. ^ a b Buckinghamshire Trading Standards: What's in your socket?, 2008. Detailed article on hazards found due to poor-quality AC adapters. "The expert news for the consumer is that in that location appears to be a cheap charger for any make or model of mobile phone, toy or hand-held games consoles that y'all might require – the bad news is that it could kill you!"
  20. ^ CE Prc Consign (mark), archived from the original on 16 October 2010, retrieved 11 April 2012 ; CE Marking, archived from the original on xvi August 2012, retrieved 11 April 2012
  21. ^ "Written question - Mainland china Export (CE) mark feeding off the reputation of the European Conformité européenne (CE) mark - P-5938/2007". European Parliament. 29 July 2008. Retrieved vii September 2015.
  22. ^ "Warning: don't get confused between the CE Mark and the Red china Export Mark". 6 December 2010. , "Warning: Don't go confused between the CE Mark and the China Export Marking. Chinese companies printing close replica of European standards logo on products". and many more.
  23. ^ "GUIDELINES ON THE APPLICATION OF DIRECTIVE 2006/95/EC". European Committee. p. vii. Retrieved 23 February 2015.
  24. ^ "Universal sockets are an unsafe solution, says PlugSafe". Voltimum. 10 October 2014. Retrieved 23 February 2015.
  25. ^ "Trade Descriptions Deed 1968". The National Archives. Archived from the original on thirty April 2011. Retrieved ix December 2021.
  26. ^ "Proposed New Characters: The Pipeline". Unicode Consortium. eleven October 2019. Retrieved 30 November 2019.
  27. ^ "Internal Market, Manufacture, Entrepreneurship and SMEs: CE Marking". European Commission. Retrieved 30 Nov 2019.
  28. ^ Jarvis, Tim. "'eastward' is for Machine Electronics". Compliance Engineering. Archived from the original on half-dozen October 2008. Retrieved 28 December 2008.
  29. ^ "Ofttimes Asked Questions (FAQ) regarding WP.29" (PDF). Retrieved vii September 2015.

External links [edit]

  • How to reproduce the CE mark (European Committee)
  • The CE mark spider web site at (European Commission's CE mark FAQ)

What Does Eec Stand For,


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